So it's been a while and I thought I'd drop by with some progress. The first couple of weeks of AM are over, and this week we get to start our first animation. A simple ball bounce with the weight of a basketball or soccerball.
Since then, I've done a few more live sketches, with more....stationary people. At a restaurant, and at a wedding.
What we did last week was do some live sketches in a public place, just simple gestures. Mine are crappy stick figures. But we picked out best, and posed it out in Maya with our "Stu" rig. Here is what I came up with.
Since then, I've done a few more live sketches, with more....stationary people. At a restaurant, and at a wedding.
The first ones I did at a buffet, and found there were a lot of round shapes, if you know what I mean. Pocket sized sketchbook.
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