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Showing posts from June, 2010

John Locke Drawing

It's been a while since I drew something outside of life drawing and animation classes. I had a hard time picking between 4 pictures to draw, and ended up with Locke (the other 3 choices were girls). I'm probably going to end up drawing at least one of those other pictures as well. Anyways, here it is (click for larger):

New Practice Test

We had a week off of AM, so I took this opportunity to do a simple practice shot. Just a jump, purely mechanical. I wanted to accomplish a few goals with this: 1. See how quickly I can work a shot through polish 2. Try new methods for animation controls. a. IK spine b. Follow enabled on both head and shoulders c. Block in plateaued splines instead of stepped 3. Achieve a better subtle settle 4. Keep the body loose The settling and having a stiff body was probably my weakness last session. I went in and tried to apply as much of the advice I'd gotten from my mentors. For the stiffness, the IK spine really helps me with that, as well as using some nice squashing and stretching on the body. Before now, I hadn't touched the translate controls on the IK spine, shoulders, or head; but this time I decided to try them out. I liked the results. Anyways, here is the shot. I worked on it for about 3 days.