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Showing posts from February, 2010

Mission Accomplished

Tackled those splines for the first pass, and this was the result. A bunch of stuff got changed when I was editing the curves, but it was definitely for the better. Now everything seems to be working properly. Only a few troubled parts, but I've got another week until the final is due. Definitely ahead of schedule this time.

Now That's Scary

Yea....a lot more difficult than ol Ballie.

Holy Crap

Man, adding a freaking spine and head into a character really starts to complicate things. I was doin fine on a ball with legs so I felt fairly confident doing a series of Parkour actions for my next shot. Not only is just doing a run challenging for the first time with a spine, but transitioning into and out of runs from rolls and slides is quite challenging. Even though there were no arms on this character, it probably would have helped a little to maintain balance and to create momentum for certain moves. I was left to create it with the legs or the bend in the spine. Anyways, here's my rough blocking pass. I think it was pulled off rather well after a long late night of working on it.