It is the eve of my Animation Mentor beginning, and I did a few more sketches today.

I realized I hadn't practiced in a while and decided that I should get some of that in today. Seeing as I have another life drawing class tomorrow, as well as starting out in AM, it was as good a time as any to draw.
I suppose I get some inspiration from my cousin's kids. I drew a couple portraits (kinda crappy ones) back a while ago, probably 3 years, maybe 4. Either way, 1 of the 3 kids was not born yet, and she happens to be the subject of most of my drawings today. I'm not nearly fast enough yet to do some real world action sketches, so these are just some random pictures we took last week at a birthday party.
You might notice that there are no faces on them. I need to learn how to do faces in this style before I try or else they'll just look stupid. For some reason I can only do faces when I do them all realistic and rendered. I can't sketch a face for crap. Weird huh?

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