Been watching the movie since about an hour ago. I still love this movie everytime I see it. It was hard for me to choose Ratatouille as my #1 favorite Pixar film over The Incredibles, but Bird will have directed both. Oh well. Back to watching....Mr Incredible is about to get owned by the expanding sticky ball things.
Well I couldn't think of a real good topic for a second post quite yet, so this is going to be pretty boring. I know no one has read my blog yet at this point, which is fine considering it's been up for like a day. I haven't really even told anyone about it. Stealthily put the link up on my various profiles. I'm sure someone will stubmble upon it at some point. Anyways, I was pondering whether or not I wanted to add another page. It would be somewhat of a portolio, but not formal or anything. Just some drawings or pictures that I might want to share. But at the same time, I've got my DeviantART page linked over on the side, so having a gallery on here would be kind of redundant. Eh, I might as well anyways. It never hurts to give myself a little more exposure. It's settled then! A new page will be some point. I need to gather a few pictures that I think might be cool to put up here, and find a decent free host to put them up on. I guess for the time ...
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