So now I'm more fairly convinced I work with a bunch of idiots. I lied, I was convinced of that a LONG time ago.
Today, my department director was looking through her SENT e-mail box looking for an e-mail that I sent her......yea....
And then there's that time our department SVP asked me how to access his flash drive through Windows Vista. He said it used to pop up automatically in XP. I guess he never really clicked on the "My Computer" button in his life.
I'll save some stories for later. Right now I have to go watch The Office after the UCLA Basketball game is over.
Today, my department director was looking through her SENT e-mail box looking for an e-mail that I sent her......yea....
And then there's that time our department SVP asked me how to access his flash drive through Windows Vista. He said it used to pop up automatically in XP. I guess he never really clicked on the "My Computer" button in his life.
I'll save some stories for later. Right now I have to go watch The Office after the UCLA Basketball game is over.
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