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Showing posts from July, 2009

Animation Mentor

Woohoo! Got in for the fall session. I start Sept 28th. Until then, think I'm going to just work on my life drawing. I'll post some more in a bit *Update* Ok, so the first two are a couple more longer poses that we worked on. The paper is too big to scan so these are just kinda crappy pictures This last set I didn't have a model for. I was actually just trying to copy the style and poses of some drawings I found online just to draw more. I actually prefer poses like this instead of the ones we get in my class. I've gotten kind of decent doing it this way.

CG Con Tomorrow!

About to get to bed because I have to wake up early. I need to wake up bright and early, and get my ass to the LA Convention center before 8:30am to attend CG Con. I've never been before (obviously), and I'm really looking forward to it. I signed up to take some digital animation classes taught by some industry animators, most of which are also mentor's at Animation Mentor :) Hopefully I'll get the chance to talk to at least one of them and ask them about the program. As far as I can tell, it is pretty highly thought of among the industry. Some still are in the view that you need a traditional art college education for it, while others praise the concentration on only character animation and love the results they produce. Anyways, should be going now. Need my sleep!

Back from the dead...

With some Life Drawings! Haha...yea that was lame. Anyways, just got back from my first life drawing session ever. It was pretty cool actually. There are only three other people in my class, all dudes. One is an art teacher at a catholic school in a nearby town. One of them was actually my statistics professor back in college. Talk about a small world eh? The other dude was pretty quiet, but I think he's an animator at a gaming company. Hopefully he'll start talkin more as the weeks go on. Maybe I can get a connection out of him or something... I've tried drawing some nude models from pics off the net, but I found it hard to find a proper pose anywhere besides finished products. So this was a pretty good experience. I like the "3D-ness" of it. Having a model actually there makes it a bit easier actually. When you move your head, you get a different view instead of the same picture. My first attempts of the night sucked pretty hard, but I eventually got better. I p...